The benefits of a healthy diet are well documented and its importance certainly doesn’t diminish with advancing years. Happily, eating healthily on your grand tour should be a snack with the right attitude, a little bit of ingenuity … and a couple of fishing rods! With an energy efficient fridge/freezer, even those of you who like to get out into the wilds no longer have an excuse for not, at the very least, enjoying your meat and two veg.
Taking a long trip doesn’t have to mean major changes to your regular diet – but it does present a great opportunity to actively improve some of your poor habits. Here are a couple of things you can try:
- Grab more grain. Grain products give you energy for your busy day of bushwalking or sitting in a camp chair. Try to choose whole grains such as whole wheat, wheat bran, oat bran, oatmeal and barley.
- Take on board more fresh fruit and veges. Dark green and orange fruit are the best – and they keep very well, too. Many of you will already know that wrapping your veges in newspaper, not plastic, will prolong their life considerably. Don’t be afraid to try a new vegetable or fruit. You’ll be going to different places where certain fruits and veges are more common or cheaper than you’re used to. Take advantage. It’s all part of the travel adventure.
- This is a great chance to cut down on fats and oils. Sure, they can add flavour to foods but try using as little as possible – use lower fat versions of salad dressings and mayonnaise instead and use more herbs and spices.
Now then. What about those fishing rods? It doesn’t get much healthier than Omega oil rich fresh fish. Well, go on, get out there and wet your line … you’ve only got a couple of hours until dinner time.