The fortnightly Grey Nomad Times was first sent out in 2011 as a way of helping grey nomads keep in touch and keep informed while travelling, or contemplating travelling.
We fully understand that the publication’s strength, and its purpose, lies in reaching (and hopefully helping) as many grey nomads as possible, so we are keen not to charge a subscription. Instead, we would prefer to ask anyone who enjoys the publication and associated website and forum – and who appreciates the work that goes into producing them – to consider making an annual contribution.
We fully understand that the publication’s strength, and its purpose, lies in reaching (and hopefully helping) as many grey nomads as possible, so we are keen not to charge a subscription. Instead, we would prefer to ask anyone who enjoys the publication and associated website and forum – and who appreciates the work that goes into producing them – to consider making an annual contribution.
* If you would like to become a member of ‘The Grey Nomads’ in order to access a wider range of membership benefits, please click here.