Are you ready for holiday ‘chaos’?

Published: April 18, 2011

The school holidays are in full swing and one of the biggest camping weekends of the year is looming … so have you got your Easter survival plan in place?

It’s that time of the year where you may have to pay exorbitantly inflated fees, share caravan parks with hordes of cycle-riding children, and find that your ‘secret’ bush hideaway ain’t no secret any more.

Gosh, it’s lucky we are cheerful, positive people who are happy to share our wonderful lifestyle with the masses … at least for a couple of weeks a year!

Seriously, this is a time when you need to know where you are staying in advance and have ‘staked your claim’ to a camping spot. Parks and camping grounds fill up really quickly and it can become a tense time.

Happily, Parks Victoria is planning to allow campers back into at the northern part of the Wilsons Promontory National Park over Easter.

The Tidal River camping area was closed last month because of flash flooding and landslides. Parks Victoria ranger Brett Mitchell says campers will be offered alternative sites over Easter.

However he says they are still hoping Tidal River will be reopened by the long weekend.

Over in Western Australia though there could be some problems caused by the decision of the Department of Environment and Conservation to target illegal campers on beaches north of Perth over Easter.

The department says the coastline between Lancelin and Dongara has become an increasingly popular camping destination since the opening of the Indian Ocean Drive last year.

The department’s George Watson says camping in the area is illegal and people will be fined if they ignore the warnings.

“The area, particularly north of Lancelin, is either a nature reserve or national park and at this stage we don’t allow camping in those areas,” he said. “There are plans in place to provide those facilities in the future but at the moment camping between Lancelin and Cervantes for instance is not permitted.”

The DEC says the increase in the number of people four wheel driving, camping and leaving waste on the beach has put pressure on the coastal environment.

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