Three council-owned caravan parks on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast have introduced an extra charge for travellers who bring their dogs … and pet owners aren’t happy!
A $5 per dog per day fee is now being charged at the Maroochydore, Mudjimba and Coolum Beach holiday parks.
A Sunshine Coast Council spokesperson told the Sunshine Coast News that the dog fee had been introduced in order ‘to ensure all park guests enjoy their stay in a clean, comfortable and healthy environment’.
“The fee will cover the ongoing maintenance associated with accommodating dogs at select council-owned holiday parks,” they said.
'Woof! I don't even go in the amenities block, so what's with the $5 charge? Woof! PIC: Cizza
The spokesperson told the publication that dog owners would have access to pet waste bags throughout the holiday parks and a guide on how guests and responsible dog owners could best enjoy their stay.
However, dog owner Peter Andrew, who recently stayed in two of the holiday parks, has launched an online petition against the dog fee.
The online form currently has around 150 signatures.
Mr Andrew called on the council to reconsider the dog fees at its pet-friendly van parks, saying it appeared to be solely orchestrated for revenue collection.
“It’s an unfair and excessive imposition on dog owners, making it increasingly difficult for dog owners to afford a simple pleasure in life – enjoying a time at the caravan parks with their pets,” Mr Andrew said. “It’s slowly ostracising dog owners and their beloved pets from their caravan parks that should be a basic enjoyment for all.”
Mr Andrew told Sunshine Coast News that he was not impressed to hear that in return for the fee, dog owners would get poo bags and a ‘guide’, when the rules were already visible for visitors to see and poo bags had always been free, as they were outside the park.
“Are the council going to start charging people for bags everywhere else?” he said.
The dog charge adds to site fees that start at $56 a night for camping and $62 a night for a caravan.
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We have two small dogs and have stayed regularly at Coolum and occasionally at Madjimba. At $10 a night for a week I’m happy to give it a miss and spend the few dollars extra on fuel to go elsewhere. If it was common for the park having extra costs in clean-up I’d understand but I have not noticed an issue in either of these parks. Nice parks but there are alternatives for us. It is simply a money grab.
Is this charge levied on service dogs as well as pet dogs? If so, I would suggest it is illegal to charge for them. I do hope some owner of a service animal test the matter in Court.
Are they charging extra for all other animals, such as; parrots, cats, etc?
It is a totally un-Australian money grab.
Its not exactly the same for bird and cat owners as these owners usually have to look after the animals poos already. Birds by cleaning out the cage, and cats by cleaning out the litter tray. Dog owners on the other hand can simply take the animal out of the caravan and let it go anywhere the dog wants. The question is, do all of the dog owners who are complaining already gather up your dog’s poos?
Very much agree!
To right possum how about the fat overpaid ceos take a pay cut instead of targeting man’s best friend who people like wife and I treat as our third family member
They should charge $5 a kid they are a bigger hindrance than dogs
They do $7 per day
So, how about the existing charge for children AND an additional charge for dogs?
A more than fair charge, what a great idea.
Well, well, well.
I always loved staying in caravan parks, simply because dogs were not allowed.
Now, despite continuously writing to park managers about:
1. the discomfort to those who sensibly leave their dogs in the care of family or friends and those who just don’t believe caravan parks are “doggy holiday” venues,
2. Dog owners who think it’s fine for their furry friends to piddle around their site where future guest’s children unwittingly roll on the piddle spots,
3. Dogs that bark at anything and anyone who dares to walk past, and
The dog owners who think their Fido or Fiffy has a right to stay free, yet anyone who takes a child or grandchild has to pay.
Boohoo, dog owners if you don’t like it, don’t go and improve everyone else’s holiday.
Dog owners have to sign a pet agreement on arrival and can be evicted if it is contravened. Also most people I have encountered love having dogs around against a small minority that do not. Dogs have always been an integral part of our tribal development.Let us continue that tradition without penalty.
If you do not like dogs go to a park that does not allow them – like us that have to go to a park that does..
Very much agree!
well said
Bet you’re not a pet person John
Obviously you are anti dog person. Well guess what mate you are outnumbered. The amount of people now travelling with pets is increasing more and more each year. You don’t like dogs? Well guess what there are a helluva lot of dogs that don’t like you. Imbecile
I really like dogs but have to admit as a whole travelling dog owners are an imposition on those without pets. Fee is fine by me…
I think the petition should be closed. I know there are a lot of travellers that are not dog lovers and those that are don’t really understand that. On our recent trip, dog owner said any issues with his dog tolet him know, we said we aren’t dog lovers. His dog kept urinating on my vehicle due to length of lead, it was discussed, he did nothing. So yes I’m happy they charge more to take a dog.
Thats the problem, people like him ruin it for others, if it happened to me i wouldve glady urinated on his car wheels
We try to stay in parks where dogs are not allowed. Sometimes there is no choice and we always seem to get an unpleasant dog right next to us. Dogs should be kept in one section of a park away from those people who don’t love them. The argument that they don’t use the amenities is a bit weak because we never use them ourselves but still have to pay for them.
I agree Neil, the old line ‘My dog doesn’t bark’ has worn thin in a lot of parks I have stayed in. The dog lovers can all stay together as far as possible away from people wanting a peaceful holiday.
Not just pets but Kids as well Cliff
in case you don’t know the difference between kids and dogs Len the kids are quite at nite but blasted dogs bark all nite and not all owners pick up after them nothing like a big turd on the carpet
Dogs know what some people are like
Yep just a money grab. If they charge for dogs then I expect the dogs can use the amenities same as us or they pick up the doggy doo doos to justify the fee. Seriously, I have paid for our dog elsewhere as a type of good ownership bond, but got it back at the end of our stay, and we had nice dog washing stations to boot.
Better start training your pooch in your amenities at home!!!!
A council introducing a new money the police and their hidden speed cameras, it’s all about extracting money from citizens, how else can the outrageous salaries and conditions of govt employees be financed..
A PURE Money grab, well they be places that will not be going to then, bags have always been provided & most of us clean up after the pets, shameful
Can the Grey Nomad Times please supply a list of Parks charging for pets so we can avoid them?
Better still, provide a list of parks that don’t accept dogs or cats. I will gladly patronise all of them.
Any park I encounter that allows dogs, I religiously avoid
Hear hear
Most dog owners carry their own poo bags and are responsible. I think parks would be better off charging a fee to dog owners who leave dogs unattended, whose dogs bark excessively, which disturbs other patrons, and for those who do not clean up after their dogs. I don’t have a dog but appreciate those who like to travel with well behaved pets. Perhaps a one off small fee could be appropriate, but charging a similar fee for a pet as they do for a child, is a bit of a bitter pill… they don’t use bathrooms or play areas!
Considering most responsible dog owner bring their own poo bags, I think it’s a money grab. I have never seen caravan staff collecting dog poo.
One way to stop people visiting. We have 2 little very old dogs who never bother anyone, we clean up after them. They don’t use amenities either. At $5 per night per dog, I would not visit the area. Their loss.
I question that is $5 per day on the site it says $5 per booking
Definitely a money grab, We have been staying at this park for 3 to 4 weeks at a time and not once have I noticed dog droppings laying around anywhere or the gardeners picking any up, the dog owners who use these parks are very considerate owners we hardly ever hear a dog bark. We travel 7 months of the year with our dog and this is the first time anywhere in Australia we have been charged for our dog. We also will consider boycotting these parks and the Sunshine Coast and will spend our dollar’s elsewhere,
Completely ludicrous..just pure bulldust. how dare they, $5 a day for what maybe 2 plastic poo bags when you can get a roll for $2 at most stores. Shame on fur baby has passed on recently and I would reject staying at these parks if she was still with us and even now I doubt I would patronise on the grounds of solidarity with pet owners.
I suspect this is more to dissuade dog owners from council caravan parks than money raising; or a bit of both. Even 10 dogs per day in a park is $50…..that will buy lots of poo bags!!
In extended travel over the last 12 months over most of Australia, we have had a very positive experience with dog owners. There is always the 1% who let the side down – like the tradie this morning outside my favorite cafe (at a shopping centre) who let his unleashed dog do the most revolting poo at a tree right alongside the outdoor dining area then got aggressive and menacing when asked to clean up after his dog…..he didn’t!
I note that there are no dog friendly caravan parks around the greater Brisbane area sadly – the vast majority are council owned! Not welcoming at all
These are council caravan parks. You take your poochie to the park/beach/cafe/eatery etc and use council provided poo bags, staff to refill the dispensers, extra landfill etc. Who pays the local rate payers. About time owners of dogs cough up for these costs.
What about the money spent at all the cafe\eateries etc etc as you said, if the owners of dogs stop coming, do these businesses survive, food for thought. And we like all dog owners buy our poo bags $2 for 200 and don’t use council supplied as most times they are empty.
We felt that many “dog friendly” parks were in fact “dog tolerant”. We were put at the worst locations in the parks, and restrictions where dogs can go. I wish park owners would realise that people. that actually take their dogs do so because they really love them and do want to follow rlules. We do not want them running away and getting lost in a foreign space. At most council parks right on the beach in a lot of places dogs are not allowed but at the same time dogs from the public can easily wander through. WE carry our own poo bags and yes I think this is just a “money grab”
I have always mentioned my thought on all the “review your stay” requests we get but so far have not had any response.
You might think that providing a few plastic bags for dog poo doesn’t cost much for a town but look at some of the statistics. The Gold Coast council provides about 13 million dog poo bags a year. At about 2 cents a bag that’s $260,000 a year! Then you have to work out what this additional 23 tonnes of plastic bag waste will do to the environment, and, if you collect the bags of poo, what do you do with it all?
Great idea
I agree with the charge. For some reason dog owners think everybody loves their dog. Sorry, not so. When on a lead they let them walk up to you and lick you or just walk in front of you and trip you up.
Also why do dog owners think it is okay to wash their dog blankets in the laundry washing machines. There are signs that say it’s against health regulations but they still do it. Leave the dog at home and get house sitters.
I love dogs, but this is a reasonable fee & a good idea
I try to avoid caravan parks altogether but if I do have to go to one I’d never consider paying extra just because I have a dog who is always with me, never left unattended, does not bark unless someone is creeping around at night & is generally so much better behave than most children.
They should use it to give a $5 rebate to non-dog customers who have to put up with the large number of dogs in the park.
A few years ago we stayed at Anglesea with our pooch and had to camp in the designated dog area. We were not allowed to walk our dog anywhere in the caravan park, but as the designated dog area was next to the track that went to the beach and river we decided to give it a go. We thought we were in for a noisy time but actually had an enjoyable time as all the animals bar one were quiet and friendly. Lastly and Sooty our dog was allowed on the beach as it was late spring.
In addition to the $5 fee a $50 fee charged and refundable if no complaint against the dog such as bar,king or not collecting their faeces.
Good idea, all dogs end up piddling, barking, often leaving deposits.
I am amazed how many people simply don’t care about others and dont clean up after their animals and think that is acceptable.
Also seemingly think a yapping or barking dog is perfectly acceptable.
People are quick to complain about a charge to clean up after their precious mutt has been a nuisance.
Not fair at all, a dog has never destroyed( vandalised a toilet block) not like some (people , young and old ) or stolen paper etc.
We had this fee, at a caravan park in Victoria, two dogs, $10. It is nothing but a rip off by the park.Bags are free, we pick up after the dogs, and follow all the rules to allow us to travel with them. One of our dogs gives a low growl when inside if some one comes too close to the van and we have heard other dogs bark a few barks, but screaming kids are far more a problem. Greedy councils.
Are the campers that smoke cigarettes going to be charged an extra $5 a night as their smoke drifting through our campsite pisses us off and definitely does not make it a healthier and more enjoyable environment .
Remember dogs are man’s best friend not cigarettes
Totally agree we have had our holiday ruined numerous times with smokers, smoke drifting through our van and areas where we try to sit in comfort.
Just a money hungry councils. What next they bring back changing for Showers and toilets?
$62 per night would mean that I would drive past any caravan park that charges rates like that. And the dog tax is a joke straight out green council rip off, do they mention cats? I’ve never seen anyone pick up after those filthy animals.
Long overdue. The dog breeder/dog food manufacturer “fur baby” idiocy needs to be curtailed and dogs called their proper name…dogs! They’re other peoples animals…not mine. I think owners should leave them at home and not inflict them on others that travel (often) to get away from the cocophony of dogs in their home neighbour.
(I do have a dog)
Poor dog……sounds like it needs a more caring owner.
Just another typical money grab from greedy councils next we will have to pay a fee to walk our dogs in parks etc when does all this lunacy end.
Caravan parks are already ripping people off with their motel camping and caravanning rates.
Just think parent/s with kids have to pay $11 for a 4yr old to 16 year old. You bring your dog you pay.
Why if all dog owners follow the rules are travellers found with their dogs in National Park’s camping areas where they are banned. If questioned the usual response is my dog is to well trained for it to matter
I totally agree with Mr Andrew. This is just another money grabbing scheme for councils. I too would drive extra klms to find a dog friendly park with no day fee for dogs.
If everyone does the same for their pets it’s those van parks & Council that will miss out.
I travel with my best mate Katie, an 8yo border collie. She is NEVER left alone in any park and I ALWAYS clean up after her.
If a park asked me for a fee, I’d just say FORGEY it and go elsewhere. The park is “Dod Friendly “ or it’s not. That simple
What about the inconsiderate and ignorant diesel tug owners think it is the right thing to do to start up the engine and let it idle for 25 minutes or more early in the mornings because they think it is an old FJ holden that you have to warm up before you drive it, they only have to read the handbook to know the best way to warm up their vehicle by gentle driving so all components warm up together to reduce stress on the mechanical bits. There should be a cost in the way of a penalty for any complaints about the pollution and noise in a quiet park.
This is worse than noise from pets and kids and it is poison as well. We don’t take our dog with us it stays with family.
Simple just don’t go there. Last time we stayed at mudjimba management put us o a site’s next to construction our motor home front wheels where way up in the air and when pointed this out were ignored. Plenty of other nice spots around just give them a miss
There should be a reserved area at caravan parks for dog friendly travelers and pets. That would keep the smelly urine and poos among those travelers who like that sort of thing and arrive after others have left. If their children want to roll around in it then good luck to them. I’ve been to parks where my children walked in dog poo bare foot. Not pleasant!
Personally no dogs at all would be even better, barking and people not cleaning up after their dog has dumped never mind the peeing on vehicles tents etc
We did not travel next time after having trouble getting in a caravan park with our retriever.
Our children looked after her while we were away.
I would not stay at any caravan park that charged a price for the dog.
When you think about it, you pay extra for each child you have with you? Maybe if people stopped calling their pets fur babies the powers that be would stop thinking about them as your off spring:):)
Hi fellow travellers, We have a very well mannered and trained German Shepherd that is part of our family and travellers with us everywhere we go. So far there has never been an issue or an extra charge to accomodate our dog. I will be giving the caravan parks who do charge extra a big miss and find one that does not. It is simply a grab for extra dollars from one category of users.
Of course it’s revenue chasing and they only impose this when, as a popular coastal location, they can. The park will still be able to be booked up without the people who won’t pay it. My choice has always been to stay inland with my dog at reasonable rates and drive to the beach if I want.
Recently at Broome CP, we observed a bloke walk his dog into the ablution block where later some droppings were found under the basin bench. It costs to clean up after irresponsible dog owners.
so they should in NZ seems like every other cvan/m/h owner has at least 1 or several,sometimes 3 or 4 even
crap happy
canines .No thought for people who are not actually into dogs.Where we are staying currently,only yesterday, a woman actually was walking her dog around the camp and watched it crap on my pitch.Shouted at her ,she said,oh ,well i`ve picked it up.Filthy sods the lot of em.Worst thing invented was those extendable leads on a reel,people have no control.I would charge triple, leave your pets at home. Don’t get me started on this generation that think that everyone else has to be happy with barking dogs and dog shit all around. Leave ya dogs home
All parks are overpriced for what you get, and charging extra for a dog is ludicrous, and I don’t even own a dog. Somehow these people find a way to take the JOY out of everything!